Kate Gilmore Sudden as a Massacre, 2011
June 7 - July 19, 2014
Catharine Clark Gallery presents an exhibit by new
media artist Kate Gilmore. Gilmore's work is part of
Incarnate, a group exhibition exploring the theme of
embodiment. Featuring protagonists acting out nearly
impossible and somewhat absurd physical challenges,
Gilmore's videos oppugn conventional expectations
regarding body, gender, violence and destruction. Her
characters exhibit a persistent desire to succeed in the
face of challenging obstacles and an ability to cope
with self-imposed high criteria. Two of Gilmore's
videos, Built to Burst (2011) and Sudden as a
Massacre (2011) will be featured in our dedicated
media room. In Built to Burst, Gilmore uses her body
to destroy and transform a sculpture into a 2-D
painting on camera. Acting as a force of destruction
and entropy, the artist's aggression raises tension
between the viewers expectations of stereotypical
female roles and the unexpected aggressive acts of
Gilmore-perhaps more masculine and brutal than
expected. The resulting art is as engaging as its
unexpected genesis. Sudden as a Massacre features
four women tearing apart a 7,000 pound block of wet
clay with their bare hands-their bodies catalysts of
order into havoc, raw material into art. For over a
decade Kate Gilmore has exhibited widely across the
United States and Europe, Asia and South America.
This is her third exhibit at Catharine Clark Gallery.