I’ve been thinking about this way too much. See, if I were to pick the funniest things on the internet to show to somebody who had never seen a funny thing on the internet, I’d probably have gone for a lot of the hits of 2010 (QVC mishaps, nerds falling over) – stuff that the readers of this column will know backwards.
So I’ve picked things that I go back to. Things that – not to sound like an awful person – connect on a level beyond a man accidentally stabbing himself with a ceremonial sword live on a shopping channel. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Enjoy!
7. Nina Katchadourian’s lavatory self-portraits in the Flemish style
Before edgelords and people farting on cakes, this is what the internet was about – a woman recreating Dutch paintings in aircraft bathrooms. OK fine, there was never a time before those things, but I still wish there was more of this.
To view full article, read more at: https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2024/mar/21/david-odoherty-the-10-funniest-things-i-have-ever-seen-on-the-internet-ready-steady-tour-australia-melbourne-sydney-brisbane-perth